Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I for one welcome our spunky new overlord

Rachael Ray is everywhere. It’s getting to the point where I can’t pass the salty snack aisle anymore without seeing her perky gaze. Of course, her ubiquitousness has predictably sparked some bloggy backlash. I opened up my favorite rag, City Pulse, and came across this little gem:
“Lansing Woman’s anti-Rachael Ray site gains national attention”.

Now, I read through both the article, and scrolled a little through the site itself. Now, granted, I’m not exactly the world’s biggest Rachael fan (see my “30 Minute Blotto: The Rachael Ray Drinking Game” post at the old blog), but they’re slagging on her a little harder than I think she deserves. Yes, the garbage bowl is irritating.

Honestly, I think that there is a place on Food Network for a cook. For the most part, she makes stuff normal people would make. I think that if she gets people out of restaurants, cooking more at home, and feeling confident in the kitchen, it’s a good thing.

I don’t think she’s quite the menace that these fine folks are pointing out. I think that as far as corporate whoring goes, Emeril still is the head whore. How much money do you think Aquafresh paid him to tout their disgustingly flavored toothpastes? (This is the only reason I'm glad Emeril exists.) Occasionally, she does give some bad advice, which is why it’s important to get a second opinion by watching other shows, particularly Good Eats. Alton Brown does a really good job dispelling foodie myths.

But, hey, I’ve got an even better idea. Let’s say we call a truce and go after the real enemy. I think you know who I mean. Yeah, that’s right….the real King Midas in Reverse, Sandra Lee, who takes delicious food items and semi-homemakes them into crap!