Monday, October 02, 2006

Granholm vs DeVos (Debate No. 1)

Yeah, I suck. I've been very busy lately, and haven't had the time or energy to devote the blog.

I just finished watching the gubernatorial debate. Oh, I really don't like Dick DeVos. What a twitchy little weasel! Granholm had a tough job tonight, having to come out and face questions about the high unemployment rate here in the state. Michigan now has the highest unemployment rate -- woo hoo -- we're number 1! But I think she gave a reasonably good answer, and the 21st Century jobs initiative sounds like a good program (especially that alternative energy bit). I don't know if it was just me, but I think I caught DeVos in a lie, not once, but twice (the second time was the bit about his disclosure forms that he said "went back to 1997," but then he tried to deny it later). I think that he's going to be like Louie, the Guy with the Annoying Catch Phrase, and instead of "I wanna dip my balls in it!" it is "I wanna get Michigan back on track." Go check out the delightful "Liveblogging Debate #1" over on the Disembodied Head of Dick DeVos. (Also worth a look is the "Hooray for Amway" ditty.)