Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I for one welcome our spunky new overlord
“Lansing Woman’s anti-Rachael Ray site gains national attention”.
Now, I read through both the article, and scrolled a little through the site itself. Now, granted, I’m not exactly the world’s biggest Rachael fan (see my “30 Minute Blotto: The Rachael Ray Drinking Game” post at the old blog), but they’re slagging on her a little harder than I think she deserves. Yes, the garbage bowl is irritating.
Honestly, I think that there is a place on Food Network for a cook. For the most part, she makes stuff normal people would make. I think that if she gets people out of restaurants, cooking more at home, and feeling confident in the kitchen, it’s a good thing.
I don’t think she’s quite the menace that these fine folks are pointing out. I think that as far as corporate whoring goes, Emeril still is the head whore. How much money do you think Aquafresh paid him to tout their disgustingly flavored toothpastes? (This is the only reason I'm glad Emeril exists.) Occasionally, she does give some bad advice, which is why it’s important to get a second opinion by watching other shows, particularly Good Eats. Alton Brown does a really good job dispelling foodie myths.
But, hey, I’ve got an even better idea. Let’s say we call a truce and go after the real enemy. I think you know who I mean. Yeah, that’s right….the real King Midas in Reverse, Sandra Lee, who takes delicious food items and semi-homemakes them into crap!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Does the Prez use Lemon Pledge to polish his legacy?
Early global warming?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
He's Losing It!
Friday, November 17, 2006
You'll need the smelling salts after this....
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Midweek Political Roundup
- The Republican members of the Senate have voted to resurrect Trent Lott as their new Minority Whip. I'm sure Senator Lott is a very nice guy (seems like it when he visits The Daily Show), but he has really embarrased himself by some of the stupid stuff he says. I'll go further: Lott is essentially the Republican John Kerry -- lovely man personally, good at the politicking and backroom deals, but always shoots self in foot publically. Though at least Kerry's not a closet racist.
- James Carville is apparently trying to depose Howard Dean as the head of the Democratic National Committee. Carville thinks that the DNC were holding back money that they should have ponied up for some minor congressional races. Carville wanted Harold Ford (yeah, that guy) to take over. I'm not a big fan of Ford myself, as I think he's a phony. (Not that Bob Corker was any less of a phony, mind you.) Carville didn't succeed, but he's complaining to the press. He referred to what he thoughts were Dean's missteps as "Rumsfeldian." Harsh! If Dean made any missteps, it was not dealing with the Republican Congressional Committee's incessant robocalls (though it took folks awhile to catch on to what was going on). I think that otherwise, he did pretty good.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Good news, bad news
The good news is that Don Rumsfeld stepped down/retired/got fired. The bad news is that three Michigan soldiers died this weekend, and I saw funeral announcements for at least one previous one.
The good news is that Jennifer Granholm will stay governor of our fine state. The bad news is that it looks like George Perles got elected to the Moo-U Board of Trustees. As if everything wasn't "all football all the time" on campus already...!
The good news is that Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. The bad news is that we're either stuck with John Murtha or Steny Hoyer as Majority Leader. It's hard to choose -- Murtha's a great spokesman on Iraq, but he blows on the corruption issue. Hoyer just reeks on the Iraq issue.
The good news is that Carl Levin is now the chairman of the Senate's Armed Services Committee. No bad news here!
Monday, November 06, 2006
I love this graphic!
Don't look now, but Amway's being sued again! (Cross-posted from Mich Lib).
And don't forget: vote tomorrow! Remember Dick DeVos is a quitter! (If he wins, he just might quit and run for prez......eeeew.) He makes me look back fondly on John "Potato Face" Engler.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Posting Gap
Still keeping half an eye on the MI gov race -- Granholm is up ten in the latest polls. Not a surprise really. DeVos is just regurgitating the latest Republican talking points. (Then again, taking into consideration how much money this guy has, he probably is setting the agenda!)
This is just a quickie. I'm off to watch Lost momentarily.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Granholm vs DeVos (Debate No. 1)
I just finished watching the gubernatorial debate. Oh, man...now I really don't like Dick DeVos. What a twitchy little weasel! Granholm had a tough job tonight, having to come out and face questions about the high unemployment rate here in the state. Michigan now has the highest unemployment rate -- woo hoo -- we're number 1! But I think she gave a reasonably good answer, and the 21st Century jobs initiative sounds like a good program (especially that alternative energy bit). I don't know if it was just me, but I think I caught DeVos in a lie, not once, but twice (the second time was the bit about his disclosure forms that he said "went back to 1997," but then he tried to deny it later). I think that he's going to be like Louie, the Guy with the Annoying Catch Phrase, and instead of "I wanna dip my balls in it!" it is "I wanna get Michigan back on track." Go check out the delightful "Liveblogging Debate #1" over on the Disembodied Head of Dick DeVos. (Also worth a look is the "Hooray for Amway" ditty.)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A Walk Down Maple Street
I don't watch Keith Olbermann, but I might have to start. What he said on his show last night was freakin' brilliant. And the parallel between what's going on now and the Twilight Zone episode The Monsters are due on Maple Street is one that a lot of people have drawn. Not to mention, I love Rod Serling. Who else could write: "The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own -- for the children, and the children yet unborn."
Let's not forget the aliens in that episode. They hadn't really done anything to the folks who lived on the street. All the aliens did was shut off their electricity. The neighbors themselves did the rest. Please keep this in mind the next time some network trots out another Bin Laden tape. He wants you to act scared. So does our president, for political purposes. They profit from your fear. Fear is not a luxury we can afford.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Mike Rogers Muck
I’ve tried to like him, I really have. He’s done some good things (this is actually quite forward-thinking, for example). He’s been our state representative here in the 8th district for three terms (he’s currently running for his fourth). Before, I could pretend that we both had the best interests of our state in mind, though we disagreed on what that would be. No more – I don’t trust him now. Jim Marcinkowski’s starting to look better all the time.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Down Payment Now, Apocolypse Later
(Larry Cosentino, “The lights are on, but nobody’s home,” Lansing City Pulse, June 12, 2002)
For a long time now, I have loathed Thomas Kinkade. I never understood why he inspired such devotion in his fans. I’d met someone once who worked at one of his gallery stores, and she told me that there was a woman there that took her hand and told her that she thought that Kincade was a blessing from God. Honestly.
I usually try to cut people some slack for their artistic tastes. I know stuff I like some other folks don’t, and vice versa. A good chunk of art is audience reception. When I like a piece of art, I usually like it right away – I just get it. When I don’t, it’s usually because I either don’t think that the artist was able to get his/her “message” across, or because I think the particular piece of art is a cynical ploy (I feel this way about Jeff Koons, except for his shiny 60’s vacuum). With Kincade, it was more than that – there was an almost predatory feeling in his work. He knew who his market was, and he pandered to their every whim, exploiting their beliefs and their lack of connection to nature so that he could unload some chintzy canvas. He didn’t even paint a lot of his works, but had assistants who did the touch ups.
On reading this story on Tuesday, all my suspicions about Mr. Painter of Dreck were bourne out, plus more. Allegedly, his company is being investigated by the FBI for bamboozling his Signature Gallery owners out of their money. According to some of the former owners, Kincade and his associates would use the “God hook” in order to get people to sign on to their big scheme. Not only is he a hack artist, he might also be guilty of trading on his religion to make a buck.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The French Kicks are toe-tapping
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Even better, on the ride home after work, the buses were packed. I was lucky enough to get on the third one that came, and it was packed shortly after that. I know I shouldn’t complain, as increased ridership is a good thing. But they’re either going to have to get either more or bigger buses. Or better still, light rail transit between campus and the capitol. That’d be so sweet! But for now, I’m stuck riding home crammed in like a sardine.
I felt better after I got home and went to check on my garden. There’s something very calming about sniffing basil. No, really. I’d rub it on my wrists and wear it as perfume if it lasted long enough.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Fun with CSS Templates
I’d forgotten what a pain in the butt CSS is to work with. It’s been a while since I played hack and crack, so I’ve unfortunately forgotten a lot of stuff. I was impressed that I remembered how to download a .css file from a website. (Woohoo!) I do like this one better than the other one I had –this one seems more functional. It will take me quite a while before I get this in the shape I want it to be though. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Ready or not, here comes the fall
Monday, August 21, 2006
Things that make me mad
Conspiracy talk: The three men arrested earlier in Caro were apparently remanded to federal custody today. However, the terrorism charges they were initially held on didn’t hold up. They apparently are being charged with fraud and conspiracy, in connection with the van full of cell phones.
Live free or die: Meanwhile, On Point’s first show today asked the question, “Should the FBI be structured more like MI-5?” I couldn’t stand listening to Richard Posner. As a federal judge (7th Circuit) and a guy who might someday write a legal opinion that affects me personally, it really bugged me that he’s so willing to give up everybody’s civil rights. Unfortunately, there were a few callers who were willing to do that too (provided that they didn’t get busted for not paying child support). Fortunately, they were outweighed by the number of callers expressing their strong opinion on keeping them.
Happy anniversary, Katrina: We're quickly approaching the one year mark since Hurricane Katrina devastated much of the South. Here we are wasting money on b.s. cases (see first story above), yet people in southern Louisiana and Mississippi are struggling to put their lives back together. Wasn't it Trent Lott who had the house in Pascagoola, MS, that was blown over? I'm sure at least he has a house again.Saturday, August 19, 2006
This is your brain on music
Monday, August 14, 2006
Terrorists on a Bridge?
1. The Mackinac Bridge is not really a strategic target. Okay, we here in Michigan love our “Mighty Mac,” but there are certainly more important targets (oh, say the two international bridges or the Detroit-Windsor tunnel). The bridge does get quite a bit of traffic, but much of it is tourist traffic between the two penninsulas. Even if there was an attack and the bridge was damaged, there are still the Mackinaw/St. Ignace-Mackinac Island ferries that could take on the traffic.
2. The structural integrity of the bridge. If you ask most state residents, they do find it a little unnerving to drive across. However, in the nearly fifty years since the bridge has been opened, there has only been one high-profile accident. This involved a Yugo flipping over the safety rails and into the straits during a bad winter storm. (It was nearly quite literally blown over!) Being the convergence between two of the big lakes (Michigan and Huron), the weather there can be quite severe, particularly in the winter. The bridge is built to withstand snow, sleet, hail, freak marine storms, and high winds.
3. The Bridge Authority. The MBA has always done a stellar job taking care of the bridge. They monitor the weather, traffic, and the bridge conditions very carefully, and will not let anyone cross if they perceive that something is wrong.
4. If they were going to Mackinaw City, they were headed the wrong way. As you'll see from the .pdf map, Caro is a little out of the way.
Actually, the area around Caro is the home of terrorists. But they’re homegrown. Just one county away is the Nichols family farm (in Decker).
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Why Quisp Conspiracy?
I asked my sweetie, Scott, if he remembered the cereal. I figured he would. Not only is he the same age as I am, but I figured if my mom could buy it in our podunk grocery store, he would have at least seen a box of it on his hometown shelves. However, not only had he not heard of Quisp, but he thought it sounded phony. Until he found the website.
Not more than a couple of weeks after that, we were watching tv, and they showed Quisp! They not only showed the box of cereal, but also a stuffed Quisp.
“See,” I said, pointing triumphantly at the television, “I’m not making this up.”
“I think you’re behind this. It’s all part of a conspiracy,” Scott poked fun at me.
“Yeah,” I said, “not only did I go back in time to get Jay Ward to draw him, but I also had him invent Quake too.”
Since then, it’s become sort of an injoke between us. He says now that he can’t admit the cereal exists, because then he’ll enter some sort of crazy Matrix-like world. We’ve seen it on a couple different programs since (including as a prominent backdrop on a sitcom). He even made the snazzy box of Quisp for my Sims 2 game. Nice, eh?
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I’ve missed having a blog. There were several times during the last couple of years that things have happened and I thought to myself, “Damn, that would have made a great blog entry!” Not to mention, I could always use the writing practice.
I believe that my mistake during my original blog was that I worked on it nearly every day. It became quite an obsession. Of course, I was paying for that one, and wanted to make sure I was getting my money’s worth. With a free one, I won’t feel that kind of pressure. But I have decided to update it at least once a week for sure. I also hope that I can do some more longer-form kind of things on here. So I hope that you come on back! (At least for the explanation of the name. :)