Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Work has been kicking my butt lately. It seems like all the editors collude to all catch up on their huge backlogs at the same time. Which means that I get an avalanche of email. It makes me think of that Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns goes to the Mayo Clinic and his doctor is trying to stuff those stuffed germs through a miniature doorway. Very little gets through. Then to top it off, I had some irritating email. It was a really nitpicky request, and I haven’t answered it yet, lest I tell the offender that I don’t have time for that crap at the moment, and that s/he is a cobag and can eat it! (Thanks a lot, Pinko Punko.)

Even better, on the ride home after work, the buses were packed. I was lucky enough to get on the third one that came, and it was packed shortly after that. I know I shouldn’t complain, as increased ridership is a good thing. But they’re either going to have to get either more or bigger buses. Or better still, light rail transit between campus and the capitol. That’d be so sweet! But for now, I’m stuck riding home crammed in like a sardine.

I felt better after I got home and went to check on my garden. There’s something very calming about sniffing basil. No, really. I’d rub it on my wrists and wear it as perfume if it lasted long enough.

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