Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Good news, bad news

The good news is that we threw a lot of bums out in the election. The bad news is that there are still plenty of bums in office. I'm counting third-time winner Mike Rogers as a half a bum, as he does have good ideas from time to time, and now that his party's no longer in power, won't be a special interest bitch.

The good news is that Don Rumsfeld stepped down/retired/got fired. The bad news is that three Michigan soldiers died this weekend, and I saw funeral announcements for at least one previous one.

The good news is that Jennifer Granholm will stay governor of our fine state. The bad news is that it looks like George Perles got elected to the Moo-U Board of Trustees. As if everything wasn't "all football all the time" on campus already...!

The good news is that Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. The bad news is that we're either stuck with John Murtha or Steny Hoyer as Majority Leader. It's hard to choose -- Murtha's a great spokesman on Iraq, but he blows on the corruption issue. Hoyer just reeks on the Iraq issue.

The good news is that Carl Levin is now the chairman of the Senate's Armed Services Committee. No bad news here!

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